Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection for Knee Pain

Red Blood Cells Flowing Through Circulatory System


PRP injections involve taking a small sample of blood, spinning it down in a centrifuge, and then injecting a part of the sample into the knee.  While it typically won’t cure osteoarthritis, it has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and disability.  Platelets contain growth factors which help to reduce inflammatory chemicals and stimulate cartilage growth. 

Because the blood comes from you, there is no risk of allergic reactions.  Sometimes there is pain at the injection site and, very rarely, there can be infection or nerve damage.


Platelet Rich Plasma Injection - Stanford Health Care › petctscan-pdf-prpbeaulieuletter
Cook CS, Smith PA. Clinical Update: Why PRP Should Be Your First Choice for Injection Therapy in Treating Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2018;11(4):583-592. 



RESCU Treatment Ratings

R = Risk      E = Effectiveness      S = Self-Care

C = Cost     U = Usefulness (overall rating)

1 = Least Favorable     5 = Most Favorable


RISK: 4/5 


Since the PRP comes from the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of disease transmission, and side effects appear rare, although pain and inflammation at the site of injection have been reported.