
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

April 25, 2020 | Comments Off on Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

What is it? Lumbar spinal stenosis is a narrowing of one of the canals in the lumbar spine.  Many people with spinal stenosis have no symptoms.  Sometimes however, this canal narrowing can put pressure on nerves which might result in pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in the low back or into the buttocks and legs.…

“Slipped disc” (Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP)

December 4, 2019 | Comments Off on “Slipped disc” (Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP)

“Slipped disc” known as a Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) In our society, up to 80-85% of the US population will experience low back discomfort of varying causes. You may have heard someone say, “My back has not been too good lately because I have a slipped disc.” What exactly does that mean? “A slipped disc”…

Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease

December 4, 2019 | Comments Off on Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease

Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease In our society, approximately 85% of adults will experience low back discomfort over their lifetime, resulting in considerable health costs as well as personal economic costs.  One of the causes of low back pain can be lumbar degenerative disc disease (lumbar DDD). Lumbar DDD explains the complex process of age-related changes…


December 4, 2019 | Comments Off on Sciatica

SCIATICA In our society, approximately 80% of adults will experience low back discomfort over their lifetime, resulting in considerable health costs as well as personal economic costs.  Out of those low back cases, individuals can experience sudden, intermittent or constant “sciatica” which typically can be describe symptoms in one leg such as intense, dull ache,…

Cervical Pain or Neck Pain

August 13, 2019 | Comments Off on Cervical Pain or Neck Pain

Cervical Pain or Neck Pain What is it, what are possible causes and approaches and for treatment. The cervical spine is comprised of 7 segmented vertebrae. The spinal cord, an extension of the brain, exists through an opening at the bottom of the skull. At each spinal vertebrae two sets of nerves controlling sensory and…

Pinched Nerve In Low Back

August 12, 2019 | Comments Off on Pinched Nerve In Low Back

Pinched Nerve In Low Back A Pinched Nerve In The Low Back can be a chronic (long term) or acute  (short term) painful disorder that usually is due to compression of a spinal nerve root (branch coming off of the spinal cord) that can be compressed as it exit through the sides of the vertebra.…

Sciatica Treatment

April 20, 2019 | Comments Off on Sciatica Treatment

What is Sciatica? Sciatica is also known as Sciatica Syndrome and is a generalized phrase or term to indicate pain in the buttocks region usually on one side of your body but can affect both sides at once.  The lumbar/sacral nerves exit the spine and travel down the back part of your leg. Shortly after…

Lower Back Pain Treatment

April 20, 2019 | Comments Off on Lower Back Pain Treatment

What Are The Top 5 Conservative Lower Back Pain Treatments? Moist Heat: Muscle tension is a common denominator in acute and even chronic low back pain. Moist heat can help to increase localized blood flow to the area bringing in blood which has oxygen and other healing properties to the stressed tissue. Apply 15-20 minutes…

The Chiropractic Adjustment

February 6, 2019 | Comments Off on The Chiropractic Adjustment

It is estimated that there are more than 100 named methods of spinal manipulation treatment (SMT)  techniques or methods.  Several  high quality research studies have demonstrated that SMT is an effective non-invasive conservative treatment for  mechanical spinal related disorders. SMT is dated back to ancient China. Modern methods were introduced in the late 19th and…

Spinal Decompression

February 6, 2019 | Comments Off on Spinal Decompression

Back pain disorder remains a wide-spread and leading cause of work-time lost and increased medical health care costs. Many studies have shown that conservative treatment rather than surgery has been shown to be effective for pain relief and proven cost benefit. Conservative care for back pain includes chiropractic, physiotherapy, acupuncture,  combined with appropriate exercise regimen. Traction therapy…